Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sharp Pants.

I have a long history of weird injuries. I can hurt myself with practically any object.  There was the picket-fence/ broken toe incident, the attempt to peel an orange/chopped off finger moment, the simple slide-down-a-children's-slide-concussion-and-skull-contusion scene, and the all-time winner: fall six inches from a plastic see-saw and snap the wrist in half.  Throw in tons of small daily injuries and there you have it: my life.

After breaking my toe at the beach last summer. dumb.
 Today's injury was pretty unique- I haven't heard of it happening to anyone else before.  I was studying quietly in the library (next to a guy dressed like a gangsta but listening to Shontelle's Impossible on repeat for over a full HOUR on youtube- yeah. definitely not very tough) and I noticed a faint breeze on my lower back.  In an effort to promote modesty and so as to not gross out the other library patrons, I reach down, grab my belt loops, and hike up my pants. And tear a chunk of skin out of my pinky.

I stared at my finger in shock. "How did that even happen?" I thought to myself. It's not like I'm wearing spiky pants or something- there's nothing on them that could even be potentially hazardous! But the blood started to flow and I realized that I needed to do something about it- so I ran to the front desk where all the LRC people sit behind signs that say "We can help you with ANY question you may have" and blurt out " I NEED A BANDAID." The guy looked a little alarmed- clearly no one asks him questions, especially questions about band-aids. After a few seconds of just looking at me he slowly says, "so you cut yourself?" I reply "yeah. on my pants." He looks at me again for a few seconds and then says, "Whoa. Those must be pretty sharp pants."

Thank you, LRC employee. Just get me a band-aid.