Thursday, September 2, 2010

life in the district

So, like all of my friends, I now have a blog. Unlike all of my friends, I am neither married nor i kinda feel weird doing this. BUT i promised like thirty people out in Provo that i would 'blog' about my adventures in DC- so here goes.
First of all, i refuse to use the term 'blog'.  It sounds too much like booger. Seriously- whoever created this crazy word was not thinking ahead.
Second, i have no camera and no phone (thanks to dc public transit, a needy person is now in possession of it), so there will not be many lovely pictures to post. sorry guys.

However, those who know me know that the weirdest things happen to me every day. So hopefully that will be entertaining enough!

Here's a quick re-cap of my week: I walked about 50 miles (or more), spent over $20 in metro fare, hitchhiked (literally.), dreamed about drowning in the Potomac river, got hives, lost my cell phone, realized my feet have turned into two large blisters, soaked all of my fancy outfits through with sweat, worked about 30 hours in 3 days,  found out (the hard way) that my bus route changed, saw the world's biggest rat and cockroach within minutes of each other (probably BFFs), had the power go out while sitting in the Jefferson monument, fell off the stairs at Iwo Jima, tripped on a brick, burned my knee with an iron... and pretty much had the BEST WEEK OF MY LIFE!

I had to get all of the whining out of the way in the first post- because this blog is all about my adventures, not misfortunes.  I'm very lucky to be living at the Barlow center right now- it's so beautiful and big and clean- and it's in the best location.  Georgetown and the national mall are both steps away- it's incredible.  Every night, after dinner and FHE/institute/other activities, we round up a crew and go out on the town.  Some examples of our exciting adventures include: Georgetown cupcake (as in the tv show DC cupcakes...), Iwo Jima memorial in VA, Jefferson Memorial, frozen yogurt/smoothie runs, Lincoln memorial, radio shack, and there's more to come!

I'm loving the program, I'm loving the people, and I'm in love with this city!

ps best thing about the barlow center: free laundry. AND i have the handicap room, meaning that i have the biggest bathroom on the floor. and there's a seat- IN my shower. HAH


  1. I love this booger, um I mean, BLOG and I love you Liz. You are living Madi's dream...she wants to go to George Washington so bad and live in D.C. Happy adventures to you!

  2. Yay!! So happy you finally are keeping a blog! So much better than facebook. Have you bought a new phone yet?
