Monday, May 23, 2011

Baby sister. Minus the "baby" part.

My littlest baby sister is three years old.  She was born two days after I graduated from high school, and she will turn four the same week that I *technically* graduate from college.  Even though her birthday isn't for two more weeks, I had to share this darling picture of her.  Well, more like darling photo montage of her...

If you can't tell, she cuts her own hair.  What a talented child.

Mustache March. She wore that in hopes of BYU domination...

The child's best friends are ants. See that ant next to her face?  That's Annie. Annie the Ant. Sometimes we wonder about her...

Her "family."  She demanded "take a picture of me's family." Total resemblance.

No words. None.

But I saved the best photo for last.  My baby sister is very unique- she loves the following four things with all of her heart: Doggies, swimming, Michael Jackson, and college basketball. This is not a lie.  Last week, the BYU alumni magazine came in the mail- and before anyone else even saw it, she gasped, "is that JIMMER??"  and snatched the magazine.  I'm pretty sure she's been carrying it around ever since, even when practicing her MJ dance moves (she knows the entire Thriller dance. seriously. How is she so cool...)  I know half of the women on BYU campus are in love with that man, but she might be the only three-year-old that I know with a giant crush on him.  All I can say is that she's got good taste. In both men and music.

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