Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Love Stinks.

A few weeks ago, I went to "karaoke night" at Applebees.  Yes.  (Those of you who know me are thinking "oh my gosh. NO." because you know how horrible my voice is- but don't worry, I didn't sing)  Applebees is clearly the rockin' place to be at 11 pm on Tuesday nights in Provo/Orem. Who knew.  Interesting people from all over Utah Valley flock to this tiny stage and proceed to sing songs that should really not be performed in public EVER, but especially not when under the influence of various substances (my favorite performance, besides the one I am about to describe, was the group of drunken frat boys singing "Bohemian Rhapsody" in the key of B flat, sans shirts...or more..., while intermittently yelling "phi kappa phi for life bro").

Anyways, I really just went because it was my friend's birthday and I wanted to say hi to some friends- but before long, I was captivated by the painful and strangely entertaining musical performances- and one blew me away (literally. I was sitting two feet from the speakers and I could feel the sound waves coming from those things).  I am minding my own business (and trying really hard to appear cute and normal to the guy next to me, which is hard to do while yelling,) when a microphone is thrust into my ear.  I look up into the face of an old coworker. Awkward.  He then proceeded to sing (well, yell) "Love Stinks." Now, whenever I find myself failing in the "love department,"  I remember my wise drunk coworker - sometimes love stinks.

To demonstrate this sentiment, let me recount my most recent attempt at attracting a male.  I helped organize/run my friend's wedding reception last Saturday afternoon - it was a beautiful day and a gorgeous venue (pictures to come later).  I spent all morning and afternoon setting up and preparing for the reception, but luckily I got in a quick shower and clothing change, because one of the caterers turned out to be a cute young guy.  "Perfect" I thought.  I'm at a reception, he has no idea who I am, I have no idea who he is, we'll probably never see each other again, no ring- I'll just flirt it up.  This will be great, right?


After spending an hour finding excuses to talk to him, having him help me with stuff, borrowing his white sheet that he happened to have in his truck (don't ask), a friend of mine decided to take the initiative and, without my knowledge, pull the old fourth grade trick (where you have a friend go tell the friend of the sister of the friend's friend of the guy you like that you might think he's cute).  A few minutes later, my friend comes over to where I was serving food and said "uhh I have some bad news.  I told that guy that you thought he was cute.... turns out he's married.  With FOUR kids."

Well, I sure can pick them, huh.  Needless to say, the rest of the night was slightly awkward.  But I laughed it off, and to the married guy, I have only one thing to say: Get a wedding ring. They work wonders.

So that's my story.  Love stinks.  I mean, I'm sure it's great... for those who actually succeed at finding cute, nice, normal, non-drunken, SINGLE men.  But I'm sure they're out there somewhere...

And in case you would like to hear what my friend at the bar sounded like, here you go.  He might have even done a better job than Adam Sandler...

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